Thursday, January 12, 2012

Update to Role Reversal

I figured I'd do an update to my last post before I move on to anything else, since this was big and it's been a few days. But I called my Dad on Monday. I was a little surprised when he said that he was at work since, I figured after his "breakdown" over the weekend, that he'd need some time off work. But he called back that night and gave me his whole side of what happened. I didn't have to say much since he pretty much took every word I was going to say to him (see my previous post) right out of my mouth. All I really had to do was listen and gave him some encouragement. I definitely think some things were blown way out of proportion and I had a breakdown and lost sleep over it for... I don't want to say nothing... But I didn't need to be as freaked out as I was made to be. He admitted so many things to me without me having to push and without either of us breaking down crying. He didn't have an actual "breakdown" this weekend, and some things could have been avoided if the situation was handled with more understanding. He's more than willing to go to therapy and understands that there are a lot of underlying issues that need to be worked out and addressed and that in itself will hopefully lessen the problem-drinking.

I know this was a quick update, but there's another post I want to make before bed. Just wanted to update for anyone following along. On to the next...

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