Saturday, January 07, 2012

Actual first post and current rants and raves

I've really been enjoying setting this blog up! I figured that while I'm pretty exhausted, but not wanting to go to bed just yet, and while R (my husband for those that don't know me personally) is glued to his video game, that it would be a great time to make my first real introductory post and get a few things out of my head. I swear, staying up pretty much all night playing around with this (and a good portion of this afternoon as well) on top of not sleeping well the past few days is catching up to me, and my head is filled with all kinds of nonsense. So this should be fun, LOL!

As you can read from my About Me, and everywhere else on my blog, my name is Jax. I'm 24 years old and, at the moment, an Army wife, but definitely not a traditional one at that. I am a homemaker with mental illness (Bipolar Disorder, Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and some form of PTSD), and R is a soon to be medically discharged veteran with chronic back and neck issues. I've never really felt like what an Army wife is "supposed" to be, and never really fit into the lifestyle. So when I say that I'm an "Army wife," I mean to say, my husband works for the military, and I'm here to support him in any way I'm able to given our situations. Otherwise, we're originally from Massachusetts and have been in Texas for almost 4 years now. Married for 4 years and been together for 7 1/2. My views are definitely unlike the views of many people around me. Not only within the military community, but in everyday America as well. I don't have the brain power or patience to blog about all that tonight, but I am what one would call a Socialist, Commi, Obama loving, religion hating, Liberal (although I'd like to think my views and opinions are much more complex than such). I don't have many friends (did at one point), and currently the person I see and communicate with most often, other than R, is our roommate Cev, whom used to be my wise, all knowing, hilarious sidekick, that I am now annoyed with more often than not. I do still love him like a brother. I just wish we didn't live together, most days.

But that is pretty much my life that I can come up with having such a short attention span tonight. I will be blogging about much of these things, along with a good amount of not rant-like subjects such as our many adventures (concerts, nightlife, travel, etc) and all my crazy, both awesome and frustrating, that goes along with it all. I love sharing health, household, and general life tips, so please feel free to participate here with me. After this post, I will have a mouth of a sailor and will probably share some awesome TMI (hence the Adult Content warning). So you have been warned now. And this is my major outlet, other than R and my shrink, so if I offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings, I'm most likely not going to care too much. Unless I'm in a depressive swing, and then I'll probably cry and blog about my feelers hurting, and no one wants to hear that vicious cycle. So, enjoy my postings and keep checking back for more interesting content and updates to make this more Jax-like. And if you have any suggestions or tips for me, please let me know! I'm super new to this and can use all the help I can get, obviously.

Good night!

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