Friday, January 27, 2012

Been a long time folks!

As I finished putting IKEA boxes together, listening to some Faith No More, and munched on mandarin oranges, I figured I would stop neglecting my poor little blog and bitch and moan, and laugh hysterically at the fact that we have no money and I therefore have no cigarettes and and going crazy.

BUT my psychiatrist gave me a new official diagnosis! ::dances:: BP UOS and Panic Disorder, so I'm hoping I can get rid of the PTSD bullshit. I'm still not sure what the "unotherwise specified" part of the bipolar diagnosis is, but whatever. She's the professional. So I got new meds that help quite a bit... Except on days like today when R is being an asshat. Needs more Ativan....

And our fucking roommate is moving out in march while we're down volunteering at SXSW. Can.not.wait.!! I miss my time. I hate having some much stress all day because he's constantly here not doing anything and just following me everywhere.

And now I have to go look around the house for shit to pawn because we have zero monies, still away til pay day, and of course R HAD to ADD and buy a new pair of shoes. Maybe I'll just pawn his fucking shoes. Totally really calls for more meds.

I know I say I'll be back later to finishes my thoughts and shit, and hopefully I can tonight. I really want to make this blog site awesome if I can figure out pictures and crap from my iPad. So bye for now.

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