Saturday, January 28, 2012

I wish I knew how to do photos on here

It was an extremely rough night and morning wallowing in my own self pity and feeling bad about myself not being a "normal" person, or whatever you would call it. So after sleeping 12 hours, waking up still in a panic and crying my brains out, R really helped me get through it. We researched Bipolar Disorder and researched and looked at how it pertains to me and how I can be helped better. And, hehe, he's been doing yoga with me, ::chuckles some more:: But he's back and I love him. I just wish I could be more patient with myself and learn to yell out, I'M BIPOLAR! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU!? Nothing huh? Just a normal nothing like everyone else! I'm FUCKING special!

One day, I hope I can say that and mean it. Until then, yoga with R in the bedroom (my safe place) will have to do.

PS. R just stuck a Snickers bar in my pants. He sure knows how to make me happy =D


  1. I'm really glad he is so supportive. I've met a lot of bipolar disorder and it is completely manageable but it does suck. And, I am really sorry you have to go through this. But, I think it's great your husband is right there with you.

    As for pictures, you should be able to chose between "compose" and "html" and the top left hand side of the box you type into. If you chose compose, the 12th button along that top section will be insert a picture. If you're still having issues let me know.

  2. Thank you Jane! We're going to try to figure it out soon. Thank you for reading!


Be sure to leave me some love, or hate, whatever. As long as thinking before typing occurs and I'm actually able to read it (grammar, punctuation, spell check).