Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Life Happened

Well, as you can obviously tell, life got in the way and I have once again neglected my poor blog. Right now, I just want to do a quick update, and once I get settled down for the night and more able to focus, I'll actually post something worth while. Hope the few of you that read this are doing well!

So, R and I are doing well. His medical discharge from the Army is finally over! He's just waiting to get the paperwork, bring his gear back, and out process! On my end, it still doesn't feel real yet, but it is all so exciting and stressful at the same time. We'll be moving back to Massachusetts (still not sure where yet) at the beginning of September, and starting a new journey! It feels amazing to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

We have a new roommate, TFB is what he'll be called on my blog. He's pretty awesome and has been a great friend for a few years, so he's good to have around, lol. There are a few issues, but nothing that can't be worked out easily. He'll be coming to MA with us as well.

I still have Bipolar Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Agoraphobia. I've been through medication hell for the past 6 or 7 months. Tried so many, and all have failed me. The only med I am taking right now is Ativan, but that's a long story that I may save for another day. I've actually just started a manic episode within the past week. It has not been all fun, but I'm trying to channel it into something positive instead of having it control me. I think the stress from the upcoming life changes and stress about this fucking area and state might have triggered it. I no longer see my pdoc (last appointment was in July and it did not go well other than getting my Ativan refilled) and the next available session with my therapist isn't until after we move, so I'm kind of on my own now. I will create a whole other post about this subject as well.

I went to Massachusetts for a month to spend time with family and friends for the month of May. There were some great times, there were times of clarity and peace, and there were times that I wanted to tell some people exactly how I feel and take the next plane out of there. I learned so much and did so much. I will also create a separate post about this since it's a long story.

Well, that's my update for now. I'll be back in a few hours to get into detail about life right now, or maybe step back and tell you my story about my month back in Adams. We'll see :)

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